High Yellow


12 - 15 Count per Culture

Porcellio haasi, often called the "Haasi Isopod" or "High Yellow Isopod" (especially the selectively bred morph), is a captivating species popular among isopod enthusiasts. Here's a breakdown of key information:


  • Size: They are a relatively large isopod, growing up to 3 centimeters (over 1 inch) in length.

  • Coloration: The most well-known variety is the "High Yellow," characterized by a bright yellow base color with black and white markings, creating a striking, almost tiger-like pattern. Other color variations exist, though they are less common.

  • Shape: They have an elongated, oval-shaped body, typical of Porcellio isopods.

Habitat and Care:

  • Origin: Native to the mountainous regions of northeastern Spain.

  • Environment: They prefer a semi-arid to temperate environment with good ventilation.

  • Temperature: They thrive in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

  • Humidity: They require moderate humidity levels. It's best to provide a gradient in their enclosure, with one side slightly moist and the other drier.

  • Substrate: A mix of dry leaves, rotting wood, and a slightly damp area with sphagnum moss is ideal.

  • Enclosure: A spacious enclosure is necessary due to their size and activity level. A well-ventilated plastic tub or glass terrarium is suitable.

  • Food: They are detritivores, feeding on decaying organic matter, leaf litter, and wood. They also benefit from supplemental feeding with fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like fish flakes or dried shrimp.

Other Characteristics:

  • Activity: They are relatively active isopods, often seen moving around their enclosure.

  • Temperament: They are generally peaceful, though males can be territorial.

  • Breeding: They breed readily in captivity, with females carrying the eggs in a brood pouch until they hatch.

  • Lifespan: They can live for several years with proper care.

  • Clean-up Crew: They are a good choice for bioactive terrariums, helping to break down organic waste and maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Important Notes:

  • Ventilation: Good airflow is crucial for their health and prevents the growth of mold and mildew.

  • Territoriality: Provide ample space and hiding places to minimize aggression between males.

  • Diet: Offer a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

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