Keidun Hobbyist


Gourmet Mushrooms at Home

I’m a local hobbyist to the Edmonton area that fell in love with the beauty and mysterious nature of fungi, furthering into the ways of mycelium and the creation of such delectable and medicinal mushrooms! Originally started with a friends father who had given me a gift of pink oyster mushroom spawn to try and grow myself. After countless hours and sleepless nights I started my journey on trying to grow them at home and fruit these amazing mushrooms. Fast forward 6 months and a bottomless network of information to now collecting dozens of genetics and tissue cloning even our native edibles here in Alberta.

My future goal, now a little over 12 months later is to spread the love of fungi to others by creating an easier access for others to enjoy the love of growing these gourmet mushrooms to enjoy for themselves. Here at Keidun Hobbyists we provide Live culture Syringes of many genetics including some of Alberta’s local edible mushrooms. Grainspawn, so you can expand to your own substrates and play with the limitless options to attempt to grow them yourself. Last but not least, kits for people who don’t want to go through all the trouble and just want to try and fruit the mushrooms right on your counter at home!

Here are some pictures of some kits we produce that you can take home and grow yourself!


Blue Oyster

Lions Mane

Pink Oyster

Yellow Oyster